In the face of the current challenges that we face as communities, as regions and as nations we need to develop effective local strategies to help our people in this COST OF LIVING CRISIS.
In the UK The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, as always, leads the way. The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust is a Quaker trust which supports people who address the root causes of conflict and injustice. This support is provided, primarily, through funding applied for by applicants.
The Foundation’s founder, Joseph Rowntree was always very clear on one thing: for your efforts to have any lasting benefit, you must tackle the roots of a problem. If you only treat the “superficial manifestations” of social or economic problems then you will ease the symptoms for a time, but make no lasting difference.
In its recent ground breaking report – We can solve poverty in the UK the JRF sets out a comprehensive strategy and recommendation on how all of us can act to solve poverty
The opening three paragraphs of the report are clear:
“The UK should be a country where, no matter where people live, everyone has the chance of a decent and secure life. Instead, millions of people – many from working families – are struggling to meet their needs.
Poverty means not being able to heat your home, pay your rent, or buy the essentials for your children. It means waking up every day facing insecurity, uncertainty, and impossible decisions about money. It means facing marginalisation – and even discrimination – because of your financial circumstances. The constant stress it causes can overwhelm people, affecting them emotionally and depriving them of the chance to play a full part in society.
The reality is, almost anyone can experience poverty. Unexpected events such as bereavement, illness, redundancy or relationship breakdown are sometimes all it can take to push us into circumstances that then become difficult to escape.”
Read the whole report at: