Good accessibility to medical services is essential. For both patients who need to access a health facility and medical staff visiting patients at home for home care, education and supervision, CooP-Africa offers:
- modified bicycles for community health workers
- bicycle ambulances for health centres
By using a bicycle, more patients can be visited and remote patients can be reached faster. Bicycle ambulances make it possible to bring sick people and pregnant women to the health centre in a fast, cheap and comfortable manner. Support CooP-Africa’s Bike4Care and enable these health workers to improve access to health care:

I had just finished my household visits and as i was riding back to my house i was informed that my neighbour who had been having pregnancy complications was about to deliver at home. I quickly rushed to my neighbour’s house and helped the lady on my bicycle then carried her to the main road a distance of about 6 kilometers, from where we keep a bicycle ambulance with the local shop keeper and proceeded with the journey to a referral hospital where Eunice delivered normally to a chubby baby boy, who is doing great. I am so proud of my Bike4Care bicycle as it helped save her life and that of her baby.
Jacinter Atieno Owuo, health worker in Kenya

The training in bicycle repair has enabled me to repair my flat tyre. I have done so once myself when I was doing my rounds.
Patrick, health worker Uganda

My Bike4Care bicycle has enhanced speed as I deliver my services, I can travel to clients faster as compared to when I travelled to these clients on foot. My work has been made easier because I don’t waste a lot of energy by walking. Riding the bike for care is simpler as compared to walking. I can serve a large number of clients within a day as opposed to the time when I used to walk to clients. In addition bike for care is a show of professionalism in our work.
Eunice Ambala, health worker Kenya