Fresh Start South Wye would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that despite the challenges of testing and ensuring all were safe, that you had an enjoyable Christmas.
Talking of challenges, this year will be so for us at Fresh Start, eased though by the partnership with the Robert Owen Society. Our meeting prior to Christmas has shown that we can work together to bring about a model for improving the lives of the people of South Wye.
This spring will include us meeting those working on the ground and looking at the fantastic work already taking place in the community. We will look to form relationships which will take us all forward in exciting projects and innovation for the area.
Fresh Start along with the Robert Owen Society have two exciting projects which we will bring to the area soon. One of these will add sustainability to the area, which is key, whilst the other will be tackling a small part of deprivation. Both projects will involve our community working together.
There are exciting times ahead. Follow our work at Fresh Start South Wye on Facebook and think about joining the Common Good, also Facebook.
Happy New Year to you all.
Fresh Start South Wye
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